Regenerating Membrane
Porous Membracel
Temporarily replaces the skin
and accelerates healing
Technology to
go beyond
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Choose the correct size
Consider the size of the wound to choose the most suitable size, so that Membracel covers the entire exposed injured area and exceeds by at least 1/3 in. (1 cm) its edges.
Clean the application area
Clean the lesion with saline solution (SSI 0.9%) in a jet or other specific solution.
Open the inner envelope
Open and remove the product from the envelope with the aid of sterile materials (gloves and tweezers).
Place the membrane on the wound
With the aid of tweezers and sterile gauze, position the membrane over the lesioned area.
Maintain the membrane in constant contact with the surface of the lesion
With the use of sterile tweezers and sterile gauze, perfectly settle the product over the injured area, gently pressing the gauze on the membrane. Wait 3 to 4 minutes for the membrane’s self-adherence to the lesion and peripheral region.
Place a protection on the membrane
It is recommended to place a protection to avoid contamination and the membrane detachment (mainly during bath).
Bandage the area
For the gauze fixation use bands, compression bandages and microporous tape. Replace the secondary dressing whenever saturated with exudate or has lost absorption capacity.Learn about
Membracel is the ideal dressing: a Cellulose Membrane capable of temporarily replacing the human skin, promoting rapid regeneration.
Learn about
Membracel is the ideal dressing: a Cellulose Membrane capable of temporarily replacing the human skin, promoting rapid regeneration.
Consider the size of the wound to choose the most suitable size, so that Membracel covers the entire exposed injured area and exceeds by at least 1/3 in. (1 cm) its edges.
Clean the lesion with saline solution (SSI 0.9%) in a jet or other specific solution.
Open and remove the product from the envelope with the aid of sterile materials (gloves and tweezers).
With the aid of tweezers and sterile gauze, position the membrane over the lesioned area.
For the gauze fixation use bands, compression bandages and microporous tape. Replace the secondary dressing whenever saturated with exudate or has lost absorption capacity.
Membracel is a crystalline cellulose membrane capable of temporarily replacing the skin relieving the pain immediately.
Consisting of granules with great absorption capacity, it reduces the odor and noise of any ostomy bag model.
Spray de Barreira
Quick-drying, colorless, non-greasy, water-resistant, alcohol-free liquid solution that forms a uniform, protective film when applied to the skin, without causing irritation.
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